Where Age, Health and Life Inspire

Tired of feeling invisible, unheard and unappreciated?

We hear this so often from women. You’ve been so busy being all things to all people, you hardly recognise the person standing in front of you. The wonderful thing about women 50+ is that we understand that it’s ok to ask for help.

I believe as we get older, we are more aware we don’t have all the answers. Questions help us to understand a problem, situation, a person, a place and ourselves.

As we go along we may not even know there is a question to be asked. When we become aware of the question, we can take two very different actions and get very different results. 1. make a decision to get the answer or 2. bury our head in the sand as we can’t bear to hear the answer as it may highlight a situation we will need to change, and change can be scary.

What I’ve learnt is the more I’m open, honest and ask questions, the more I get from being a part of this amazing group of women.


Live Confident

Imagine looking in the mirror and seeing your 7-year-old self, with all the years of experience behind you. That’s the real you, before the negativity wore you down. Your inner child who's full of life and confidence. When your confidence is rocked it affects so many aspects of your life. Taking time to focus on you, your needs and building your inner strength comes when you surround yourself with others ‘who get it’, support and care about you.

  • Discover “Your True Self” and boost your confidence
  • Learn quick and easy self-care practices
  • Turn your negatives into positives

Live Active and Healthy

What we also love about YOU, is that you understand the importance of being Active and Healthy. With so much information and the newest, latest craze it’s overwhelming knowing exactly what is right for you.

Imagine being that 100-year-old woman still driving, doing yoga, exercising, walking, gardening and travelling. She’s living her life her way – she’s active and healthy and enjoying her moments. That’s what we all want. To enjoy life now and in our future.

  • Discover it’s never too late to start a new activity
  • Learn foundational movements to build strength and flexibility for everyday life
  • Find what works for you

Each quarter you’ll find a gathering of women sharing their experiences, lessons and expertise with one another.

We bring to Ageless Confidence, amazing speakers and presenters from all walks of life, to inform and inspire. We have just the right mix of “hot” topics to “fun” activities.

I was so glad I didn’t listen to my inner voice that kept saying don’t go. I kept telling myself it’s time to put yourself first, not work or family, these are topics you will relate to, GO. My favourite speaker explained the importance of staying active, flexible and strong and how my health effected my lifestyle now and in the future. Then there was the speaker on how our clothes can impact our confidence. I loved the fun activity on how to dress for our personality. It challenged me to think differently about the colours and styles I wear.


What activity have you done today that adds a little Sparkle and Shine into Your today and tomorrow ?

Ageless Confidence is all about living your best life now and in the future. I like to ask myself this question each day “What activity have you done today that adds a little Sparkle and Shine into today and tomorrow?” Now it’s your turn to add this question into your daily practice.

It’s about allowing yourself time in the spotlight, and not hiding in the shadows. You deserve a little pampering, even if it’s a few minutes a day.

Showing the younger generation, we are relevant, confident and that it’s important to take time out for yourself, means they learn from our experience.

Live Connected

Connecting with others is the foundation of feeling appreciated. Knowing there is someone there to lift you up and support you helps you feel life is that little bit better.

Envisage your life before the responsibilities took over - full of fun and socialising with your friends. Heading to the dances, movies, taking a stroll on the beach or whatever took your fancy.

  • Grow your social connections
  • Learn the 3 “must have” connections in your life
  • Discover the 3 “best of you” morning self-care activities

I arrived at the Ageless Confidence Event not really knowing what to expect. Looking around I was surprised to see so many women of my vintage smiling, laughing and interacting. So welcoming and accepting. I noticed one beautifully dressed lady who I recognised as having Alzheimer’s, being thoughtfully assisted by another Strong Heathy Women member. I knew I was in the right place.


Strong Healthy Women are actively involved, helping and raising funds in our local and widespread community. We are passionate about helping others. That is why each of our Ageless Confidence events raises funds for a variety of charities.

We currently support:

Wesley Choices Cancer Support Program

Wesley Mission RedBag Appeal

Learning how to live your


I was very active and strong when I was younger. However, after retirement at 65, my daily pace slowed a bit. I have always walked daily for exercise, but I noticed my weight increased. I knew I needed more so I was prepared for old age… I can say that now, because I’m 70+ years young. It was 2010 when I started with Peta and having a specialised exercise regime means I can bound around the golf course (or anywhere) whilst others are comparatively lethargic, and this makes me feel good. I decided to step it up and participate in the Healthy Habits Transformation. I was introduced to food which in some cases, I’d never heard of and was surprised how delicious it was.

If I could offer 2 pieces of advice they would be:

Always eat wholesome, fresh, unprocessed foods and exercise regularly, because good health and fitness not only makes you feel on top of the world but impacts those around you.

Exercise can be fun, so do it with others and enjoy the camaraderie. Getting out and being social is such an important part of staying young. I feel Ageless.


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Super excited to see you.